MCMS User Group Backup - Restore Script Generator 5.3
Backing up and restoring an MCMS system is not jest doing that with database. Few words from MCMS SDK 2002 SP1a,
CmsUserGroupBackupRestore is used to back up and restore rights groups and their user lists in a Microsoft® Content Management Server (MCMS) Content Repository (Microsoft SQL Sever™ database) so that all other Web site assets in the database can be entirely replaced by performing a SQL Server backup and restore operation. At a high-level, the steps are as follows:
Use the Backup method to back up rights groups and their user lists from the database on the target system.
Clone the MCMS database from the source system, and then restore that database on the target system. This is done using SQL Server backup/restore functionality, not from within this application programming interface (API). This process may require some re-configuration using the MCMS Database Configuration Application (DCA) and the Server Configuration Application (SCA).
Use the Restore method to restore the rights groups and their user lists into the new MCMS database on the target system.
This tool can be used to generate the script needed for this export and import without much problem. A screenshot of the tool is given in Figure I.
Figure I
The settings can be saved as XML files which can be opened later and edited before generating your Incremental script.