MCMS Manager 6.0

Collection of tools to manage Microsoft Content Management Server based websites

Edit a Posting


When Edit is selected from the context menu, a new window with all the placeholder will be shown (Figure I & Figure II). If the posting state is not saved a warning will be raised before getting opened (because editing a posting will create a save). According to the selected placeholder the editor will be differed. If the placeholder is an Html one (Figure I), then a rich editor will be shown to enable rich html editing. If the placeholder is not an html one, then a normal editor will be displayed (Figure II). This editor uses Carl Nolan's HtmlEditor control. The new content editor has many features!



Figure I



Figure II


Also it has a separate editor for editing Xml placeholders. After editing, you can click Save and Exit. It will prompt you whether you want to save before exiting. So, it is not a problem, if you don't want to save the changes. Only saying yes in the prompt will update the original posting.


When editing XML placeholders, a 'somewhat' customized datagrid is used (Figure III). Xml script also can be edited using the Script tab (Figure IV).

Figure III



Figure IV